This is it. The final project. From the outset of Project 3, I knew that I wanted Project 4 to feature a main menu and that is where most of the effort went. In fact, the base for Project 4 was actually made before Project 3. That is where the idea of the pause menu came from, to provide a way to return to the main menu. The menu features three buttons leading to each of the three projects. The camera slowly rotates around an abstract surreal environment. The sun also moves and the text will change color as it changes from night to day.

            Most changes were made to accommodate the pause menu for Projects 1 and 2. Both needed a pause button added to the UI. Project 2 also had its settings moved to the menu to better match Project 3. Project 1’s settings were meant to be accessed in real-time, so it made no sense to add them to the pause menu. Other than that, the other large change is that all scenes were adjusted to best fit the 8:5 aspect ratio of WebGL. This is most noticeable in Project 3, which had to be put in a custom aspect ratio during the build, as it was designed for a narrower window.

            No new assets were used in Project 4, so no brand-new credits are required. However, all of the links are accumulated below, just for convenience.

            This is my last bit of work for this class, so I would just like to once again thank you for a good semester and an enjoyable class. Cheers.


Special credit to MusOpen for supplying a royalty free recording of Claude Debussy’s Arabesque No. 1 and Clair de Lune performed by Simone Renzi and Arabesque No. 2 by Gerluz Music:


Special credit to for providing the following royalty-free sound effects:


Special credit to this site for helping me fix a very specific bug with scene loading:


Special credit to this free user-uploaded skeleton model:


Special credit to Boecklin’s Universe for continuing to be one of my favorite fonts:

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